Nocai NC-UV0609 PE III Superfine Quality UV Flatbed Inkjet Printer
UV tisk je specialna tehnologija visoko kvalitetnega tiskanja, ki jamči za obstojnost barv,
saj se le-te s pomočjo UV žarkov zapečejo na različne materiale.
Model: NC-UV0609 PE III
Product Features: UV Flatbed Printer
Print size: 600mm * 900mm
Print height:180mm
Max. 1050mm (width) x 610mm (length) x180mm (height)
Weight, About 20kg
Application, Glass/Acylic/Metal/Plastic/Wood/Leather etc
Printing width and length, Max.600mm(W) x 900mm(L)
Print height, 0-130mm
Color, 8 Color (Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black,Light Cyan,Light Magenta,White,Varnish)
Print mode, CMYKLcLm+W+V、CMYKLcLm+W、CMYK+W
Print resolution (dpi) Max.1440dpi
Windows 10(32/64 bit)
Windows 8/8.1(32/64 bit)
Windows 7(32/64 bit)
CPU Core™ 2 Duo,2.0 GHz or faster recommended
RAM 2GB or more recommended
Video card and monitor A resolution of 1,280 x 1,024 or more recommended
Free hard-disk space 40 GB or more recommended
Hard-disk file system NTFS format
Ink Type UV Ink
Color Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black,Light Cyan,Light Magenta,White,Varnish
Capacity 500ml 、1000ml
Uv Cleaning Liquid 1000ml CL